Hello friends!! Boy, am I tired, but filled with thankfulness!! Last week, our family attended a Shape Note Singing School at Shoal Creek Primitive Baptist Church in Newborn, GA. It was absolutely wonderful!! My kids had a great time fellowshipping and worshipping with old and new friends, all while learning how to sing shape notes. Shape note singing is an old-fashioned form of singing in which the notes in the hymnal have different shapes, which give you the note's pitch. It is based on do (long o sound) re mi fa so la ti do (like from the Sound of Music, "Do a Deer"). Our church hymnals have shaped notes. Here is an example of what shape note music looks like:
And here are some pictures from the singing school we attended:

Elder Tim Cannon was our instructor. Elder Tim has many years of experience in teaching shaped note singing, and the kids just love him!! We had about 175 folks attend the singing school, with close to 75% being young people. What a blessing to see so many young folks devoted to learning to sing praises to their Lord and Saviour. The biggest challenge was feeding that many people 3 meals a day!! But it was a success, thanks to the volunteers who cooked, cleaned, shopped, and sweated! I thank the Lord that He put His hand of blessing upon us this week. Thank you, Lord.