Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Dinner and a Movie at Sonic!

Hello friends,

Well, we are now officially extras. Today we filled in as extras for a taping of Dinner and a Movie at our local Sonic. What fun!! The cast and crew were great, but I don't think I'd want their jobs. It's pretty much a case of hurry up and wait. We arrived at 1:30 p.m., they filmed their first shot pretty quickly, and then I was done, but couldn't leave until after 5 p.m. It was still lots of fun, though, just to stand behind the scenes and observe what goes on during filming. I'm thinking the hardest job must be handling sound, because it was awfully loud out there with all of the traffic, big trucks going by on the main road, teenagers driving by and yelling out of their car windows. I'm assuming they'll have to edit all of that noise out, and that has to be some kind of job. My oldest, Matthew, is considering going into film production, so this was a perfect opportunity to get some idea of the kinds of things he'll have to learn. He reads about it all of the time already. In fact, when we rent a movie, he'd rather watch the special features about how the movie was made than watch the movie itself. For our time today, we each received a Sonic gift card, which averages out to about $2.50 an hour. Not bad for amateurs, I think! If you'd like to see our debut on television, this program airs Friday, May 22 on TBS.

I'm hoping we get to have our homeschooling group's field day, the event I had to postpone for last week, but things aren't looking very good. We have a 40% chance of rain, with some severe thunderstorms, and a high of 65 degrees. Yikes!! I'm wondering if we'll get to have field day this year!! And I'm ready for it; got all the games set to go. I'll keep you updated.


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