Hello all,
I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. Life sorta gets in the way, sometimes. I'm struggling right now with motivation. I just can't seem to get motivated to do anything but just be. And there's nothing wrong with "being", but I've got tons of stuff to do. At this very minute, I have 7 squishy bananas sitting on my kitchen counter. Gotta do something with them!! Banana bread? Banana milkshakes? Homemade banana ice cream? Hmmm. I think I'll think about it. Of course, by the time I'm through thinking about it, I won't have time to actually DO anything!! I also bought some peaches because the kids want to make homemade peach ice cream. Yummy!! I'll try to do a better job of blogging over the summer. I think I'll go rock in our hammock on the back porch. Yeah, that's what I'll do.